Why is HubSpot Valuable for any Company?

Matthew Schoenemann
3 min readDec 21, 2020

This post is part of a month-long project where I’m learning three different operations tools: TextExpander, HubSpot, and Zapier. To learn more about my project, click here to see my project landing page.

What is HubSpot?

Before we dive into why HubSpot is valuable, we need to know what it is they offer. According to their website, “HubSpot is an all in one marketing platform that provides tools that can help your company with blogging, SEO, social media, emails, and many more things.” In other words, they have a lot to offer a business all on one platform. No need to use multiple platforms for different tools when it’s all on HubSpot!

This immediately shows that Hubspot can be very valuable but let’s break it down and see exactly why Hubspot is so valuable for any company.

  1. When they say all in one, they mean all in one.

From creating landing pages for your website to compiling lists of all your contacts or customers, they have a lot to offer all on one platform. It’s always simpler when you don’t have to use multiple systems for different tasks and with HubSpot, that’s exactly what you get. You can create email templates, snippets for responding to customer’s frequently asked questions, chatflows, ads, among other things. You can even create task lists like Trello or Notion offer. So instead of having to use both Trello and HubSpot, you can just use HubSpot.

Being all in one is obviously their main selling point and a lot of their features come free of charge (with some limitations). But for serious businesses, the cost to use HubSpot goes up quickly. You could potentially pay over $1,000 a month for all their services. Even with this cost, it’s still well worth the money for a business that’s in the black.

2. Easy to navigate.

Their website is very easy to navigate. Simple drop-down menus lead you to everything needed when using HubSpot. Even though there might be quite a bit to learn when using HubSpot, it’s easy to navigate around and, dare I say, easy to learn? This means there isn’t as much training needed to use the website when you hire someone. I’m not saying it’s easy to master it, far from it in fact, but you can learn a few of the tools very easily and they’re all simple to use.

3. Admins

Admins and Super Admins have control over what each employee has access to on HubSpot. If you have separate marketing and sales teams, they can be separated on HubSpot and given different controls. This goes back to HubSpot being easy to navigate. Each drop-down menu is separated based on what kinds of tools are there. One menu is for marketing, another sales, and yet another menu is for customer service. Each tool in these drop-down menus can be granted access to each employee. This simplifies what each employee has to worry about and can also separate each team’s duties a little better.

In Conclusion…

HubSpot really is the all in one platform. They have it all. With tools designed for marketing, sales, and customer service, it’s useful for anyone on your team. Because of this, HubSpot is one of the most valuable systems to implement into your business.

P.S. If you’d like to see a little more about the tools they offer, here’s a video walking you through 3 tools to help your business that you haven’t heard of.



Matthew Schoenemann

Hi, I'm Matthew Schoenemann. I am currently an Advanced Team Member at Chick-fil-A Lebanon and I love the Lord, hiking, and history.